Roman chamomile essential oil
Roman chamomile essential oil
Physical: Analgesic, anti-anaemic, anti-inflammatory, antineuralgic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, carminative, cholagogue, cicatrisant, digestive, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hepatic, nerve sedative, stomachic, tonic, vermifuge, vasoconstrictor (local), vulnerary.
Emotional: An antidepressant. Calming and soothing. Good for psychological malaise: for those who are moody, grumpy, and short-tempered. For insomnia. Profoundly calming for those who are hyperactive/workaholics. Can be hypnotic.
Spiritual: Affinity to the throat chakra: helps communication and the truth to be spoken, without anger or bitterness. Help individuals express their highest spiritual truth. Assists in channelling. Calms overactivity in all the chakras. Heals aura wherever heat/anger present.
Skin applications:
Acne, allergies, boils, burns, cuts, chilblains, dermatitis, earache, eczema, inflammations, rashes, sensitive skin, teething pain, toothache, wounds.